Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Happy Halloween (A little late.)

Halloween seemed to be pretty big this year at Seawatch. Was it just me, or does anyone else feel that there were a lot more trick-or-treaters this year? It seems like in year's past, we would only have 8 to 10 kids, but this year, I lost count after 24 or so. We almost ran out of candy.

Rumor has it that several of the neighbors were spotted at a Halloween/Costume party at the Van Ham's. Seems like a couple of retired Hooter girls won first prize, Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett were a close second and Jimi Hendrix came in third.

Also seen were several motorcycle gang members, 007, a scarecrow, Maxwell Smart and Agent 99, a rather large woman looking for her dog, a pimp, love and war, Janis Joplin, a ref., a couple of doctors, a cave woman, Shriner Wayne Lee from Lodge 56, a tourist, a warrior princess, a Roman god and goddess, some Jones guy from Indiana, a M-I-C-K-E-Y Karen, and many other characters.

What a great party. Can't wait until next year and have already begun to think about my costume...

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